How to make eye contacts with your escort during a date

It is an established adage that the eyes are the windows to the soul. This can’t be any truer than in the case of a date with an escort. Definitely, you are not going to wear sunglasses all through like some burly badass brigadier general.

Whether you believe it or not, good eye contact forms the foundation of effective communication with your escort. You don’t want to be chatting on a date with her and looking disinterestedly into the distance or looking cowardly at the table. Also, you don’t want to stare directly at her like you have been ordered to do so at gunpoint.

The essence of eye contact here is to “diplomatically” engage her in the conversation.  By diplomatic here, we mean in a cordial non-aggressive manner. This would allow your escort to open up and enjoy a natural conversation with you. Of course, your dinner would be more delicious when you and your escort share memorable time together – which you know is not artificial.

So here are some tips to get on the right optical path and enjoy delectable eye contact with your date on an escort.

Look her in the eyes but don’t stare

This can sound a bit confusing. But of course, there is a difference between looking one calmly in the eyes and staring questionably at them. You can look them in the eye for a while and then take off your eyes a bit. 

Maintaining an undiluted concentration on your escort’s face would make her slightly uncomfortable and a bit too self-conscious.

We advise you use the 50/70 rule. Here you maintain eye contact for 70% of the time you are listening to her and then 50% of the time you are talking to her.

Keep it at five seconds maximum

Yes, the duration of your sustained eye contact also matters. If it gets too long, it becomes an optic assault. If it gets too short, then it oozes lack of self-confidence. Moderately, we suggest that you keep eye contacts for four to five seconds before breaking it.

Now it also matters how you break the eye contact. Don’t dart your eyes away. We can’t emphasize less on this. Slowly transfer your gaze to something else. Possibly your meal – but DEFINITELY NOT YOUR PHONE. In fact, let us add here that paying your phone substantial attention during a date with your escort is a huge NO-NO. A social infraction in the dating constitution.

Don’t talk first and then look

Many things are decided right from the start in life. The beginning of your interaction with your escort on a date goes a long way to set the tone of the communication all through your time together. This is why you need to nail it right from the starting whistle.

To get the eye contact right from the start, don’t start talking before you look at her face. Look at her face and start talking. Once you have established eye contact. You can begin the convo.


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